Zine Design & Web Replication Design
2.2*7.5 inches
Google Calendar, Cardstock, Riso Printing, HTML, CSS, Java Script

Dove into a fun project started by Jon Sueda and Omar Mohammad, where we played around with everyday Google Tools in unexpected ways. So, I used my Google Calendar not for reminders, but to create a visual journey of applying lipstick. 📆💄 At a glance, it's all abstract graphics. But zoom in, and you'll see a day in the life of a businesswoman – packed, intense, and full of those usual stereotypes.

我们加入了一个由Jon Sueda和Omar Mohammad发起的有趣的项目,在那里我们以意想不到的方式使用日常的Google工具。所以,我用我的谷歌日历不是为了提醒,而是为了创造一个涂口红的视觉旅程。📆💄乍一看,都是抽象的图形。但放大后,你会看到一个女商人一天的生活——紧凑、紧张,充满了那些惯常的刻板印象。